CategoryCritical Essay

Horse Slaughter – A Rebuttal

Introduction This rebuttal is about the debate on the horse slaughter especially about the statement that “The United States Should Not Provide Horse Meat to Satisfy Other Countries Need When Americans Do Not Eat Horse Meat”. Logical and ethical arguments are made in response to this false statement to justify the export of US processed horsemeat to other countries. Discussion The history of...

Common Ethnographic Research Methods and Reflection

Common Ethnographic Research Methods Ethnography is defined as “the study and systematic recordings” of human customs and cultures. Ethnography is one of the qualitative research methodologies (Snow, Morrill & Anderson, 2003) that are used to answer the complex questions about nature and the natural phenomenon. The most commonly used approach in anthropology for qualitative research is...

ARTs 220 – Anthropological Theories

Anthropology is the study of cultures, using the qualitative observatory method to understand humans (Barrett, 2009). Originated from the Greek, Anthropology, “Anthropos” means humans and “logos” mean study, is defined as the study of human or the science of humanity (Barnard, 2000), ranging from biological evolution to social and cultural development. Despite being the inauguration of different...

Challenges Faced by Male and Female Learner in the Middle East

Introduction Innovation, the basic keystone of any economy, is the one needed most for any development cycle. This cycle of development, fueled on the innovation, requires innovators who can convert their knowledge into creativity using their passion. In this era of global industrialization, the economy is becoming transparent day by day. Increasing competition between the nations has elevated...